Monday, November 23, 2009


We had a two week period where we went to different writing workshops. The choices were: Thankful Book, Persuassive, Poetry, Reader's Theater, or Informative. Miss Mitchell taught informative writing. We learned about making play dough, putting, fencing, piques, jumping rope, wall ball, perfect tackle, soccer, how to make chocolate spice bars, how to rake leaves, and how to be a good University of Utah fan. Here are some of our classmates with their informative presentations.

Heather taught us how to do a pique.

Go Heather, go!

Jumping double staircases on a scooter was demonstrated by Rainey.

Dakota demonstrated how to shoot a free throw.

Kassie brought her dog, and taught us how to properly brush and groom a dog.

Savannnah and Molly demonstrated how to walk a dog.

Eric told us about how to play a song in a G major scale on the piano. Unfortunately, the 6th grade was using the piano in their pillow concert, and didn't want to be disturbed!

One student from another class taught us about fencing! TOUCHE!!!

We had a great time!!!

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