Thursday, February 20, 2014


I have been loving the retirement!
I never thought I could be so happy not being a teacher!!!
I'm busier than ever, but without having to teach school,
make lesson plans, grade papers, and enter scores in the computer,
I seem to have more time to do what I want.
My life had always been busy, and I would feel that
at least when I went to school, I would be at the same place for a few hours.

Anyway, there are only a few times I've missed teaching.
The excitement of the first day.
Clear Creek.
Valentine's Day.

I loved our Valentine's celebration so much!
Making and decorating the folders, doing "Broken Hearts" in math, where we matched each side of a heart to make equivalent fractions.
And of course, the Valentine Party!
Valentine Bingo, the "Candy Bar Game", popping in on the 6th grade dance, passing out Valentines.
 Some years, I would get quite the haul . . . like last year:

This year, I found cute little stuffed animals at
Dollar Tree.
$.50 each!
Yup, I could afford 13 of them.
I went over the day before to give them to the kids.

I also asked on Facebook to have parents send me pictures
from the 6th grade dance.
Not too successful.
I got a couple, but, Hannah Smith's mom posted a TON!
I found a lot of the kids in them.

 Audrey and Ethan

 Cache & Lauren

 Taylor, Lauren, Hannah, Audrey

Andrew, left

 Lauren, Mary, Audrey, Hannah

 Lauren, Calvin, Adah


Cache, Lauren, Hannah
Mr. B. in background.
Last dance.

Sarah and Adah

 Taylor and dad

 Lauren and Parents

Josh and mom

The Girls

Max and Audrey

 Josh and Hannah

 Hannah and Ty

 Gabe, girl, Cache

 Look at Lauren's mom go!


 Hannah and dad

 Picture from Sierra Charlesworth Instagram

Hazel & Audrey
I really miss Hazel!
She was so great to talk old soul.
Sierra Charlesworth Instagram

That night, I went to Heidi Shurtz's wedding in Orem.
Her mom, Colleen, is Karen's sister.
Karen was my favorite roommate in college...Dixie.
I was the "yellow" bridesmaid in the famous rainbow wedding!

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