They say if you're under 60,
you might not be able to name all of these.
Shocking! I am close to 60!!!
Do I feel it?
Health wise, yes.
Mind wise, no.
I am currently experiencing my 7th decade.
(Born in, 2015)
It used to always annoy me when I was young
when my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents
talked about the "Good ol' days."
(And talked and talked.)
Well...I totally agree!
I have lived through the "Good ol' days!"
Especially with teaching!!!
It was great to teach when teaching was fun!!!
Plus, I was teaching in time to get the stipend (before 1990),
health insurance for 6 years after retirement,
less emphasis on testing...more emphasis teaching and learning.
Anyway, I found these pictures in an email.
I will try to see how many of these I actually know!
Should be fun!!!
I think these were part of a tv show???
"Kukla, Fran, and Ollie
Before my time
Christmas tree with icicles
Sack lunch
Sugar Daddy
One of the reasons I love carmel!
You licked these, but didn't bite...they could pull
your fillings out!
There were also "Sugar Babies"...bite sized "Sugar Daddies"
Sugar Daddy
One of the reasons I love carmel!
You licked these, but didn't bite...they could pull
your fillings out!
There were also "Sugar Babies"...bite sized "Sugar Daddies"
Bronzed Baby Shoes
A baby's first shoes are bronzed to keep.
I never had these, but my friend, Carol, did.
These cough drops tasted just like black licorice!
"Alfalfa" from the "Little Rascals."
This show was before my time, but I saw
it in reruns.
The front of every classroom had the cursive and manuscript alphabets,
and the map, all above the chalkboard at the front of the room.
"Tin Tumblers"
Great to drink out of.
Hot pot holders.
We had some, but didn't know how to make them.
Ledger to keep track of expenses
Glasses that were inside laundry detergent
I think this is the mouse from "Ed Sullivan"
Not sure...some kind of light.
This color is back in style!
This is a washing machine.
You was the clothes in the "tub."
Then, at the top, you would put your
clothes through that thing, and crank.
This got a lot of the water out.
The "wringer."
Liquid glue
L'eggs Pantyhose
They came stuffed inside these plastic eggs.
Always wore them!
Pantyhose were like nylon "tights."
Before pantyhose, nylons were like socks, that
went up mid-thigh. They were held with "garters"
that were at the end of a "garter belt."
Coca-Cola "wax bottles."
Shaped like coke bottles. You would bite in.
The inside tasted like punch. You could suck it out.
Then, you'd eat the wax bottle. Chewy.
"Wax lips" were the same concept.
"Mimeograph Machine."
Our school worksheets were "run off" on these.
Plastic pants.
After putting a cloth diaper on a baby,
these plastic pants were put over the top.
Soooo helpful!
Art Linkletter was a television host in the
50s and 60s.
I thought he was Walt Disney, without the mustache.
This show was just him interviewing kids.
Hysterically funny!!!
"Dippity-do and you!"
The precursor to hair gel.
You put it on your hair, then put the rollers in.
Still around when Camille and Ashley were babies.
Reid would use it to make a cute curl in their hair.
We had one on our property
Saddle back shoes.
Before my time, but my mom wore them.
Transistor radio.
Best way to hear music.
Only AM, no FM
Old radio/stereo
This is how music was listened to before my time.
We had one at the house...didn't work.
Pic Up Stix
These bad boys were fun!
You dumped them out on the floor.
You had to pick them up one at a time...without
touching any others while doing it.
You would push down on one end, and the
other end would go up, making it easy to pick up.
These tiny, five year diaries were awesome!
Of course, I had one!
Complete with key!!!
Each of the 365 pages had the date at the top.
Then, the page was divided into fifths.
Hence, the five year diary.
Mine was white, with gold writing.
The hair was sectioned off, twisted, and a
hairpin or bobby pin held in in place.
Then, it was combed out.
Grandma Howard always had her hair done like this.
Home perms of the 60s.
Pull out the butcher paper, tear off with built in cutter.
Alunimum Christmas tree, 1960s.
Always wanted one.
Forced to have a real tree!
No lights were on these, but, a big light
with 4 colors that was round, was placed on
the floor. When plugged in, the light rotated,
and that made the tree change colors.
10 of them.
Little red rubber ball.
Sooo fun.
These were in cap guns to make the noise.
These were put on papers that had holes punched in them.
You put one of these on the front and back of the hole
if the hole was ripped.
To reinforce the paper.
These were the desks my parents used.
Fancy perfume...right before "Jean Naté."
Typical kitchen and chairs, with the tiered
plates to put finger food on.
Library cards in books.
You signed your name, and the librarian stamped
the date.
Fun to see who had read the book before you.
Card Catalog.
How you looked up books in a library
using the Dewey Decimal System.
Piercing ears.
No piercing gun.
Needle was sterilized with a match.
Ice cube on ear to numb it.
Old auditorium chairs.
I've seen a lot, but a little before my time.
Bunny Hop dance.
Waaaay fun!!!
"Sock Hop" dance.
Just a few years before my time.
Shoes removed (See those saddle back shoes?)
You danced in your socks.
Elvis Presley.
Popular a tiny bit before my time.
Then, popular in 60s and 70s, until untimely death
(after my first year of college)
Vaccum . . . pre up-right
Mascara . . . before the wand
Rotary phone.
Place your finger in the hole next to the number.
Move it clockwise until it stops.
Soda fountain at the drug store
Don't know what these are called.
But, you put them in the hole of a "45" record.
The little circle in the middle made it go down
on the record player.
Service station attendant.
When you pulled up to a gas tank, you drove over a hose
that rang a bell. The attendant would come out, fill your
car with gas, check your oil, and wash ALL of your windows.
You also paid for it from your car.
Fuses for the fuse box.
I think this is a bathrobe.
Before my time.
Mini juke box at your table.
Making homemade ice cream.
You had to churn/crank by hand.
We always mad it at Aunt Virginia's on the
24th of July.
Best book ever!!!
"Dick and Jane."
Everyone in the 50's, 60's, and 70's learned to read in these!
Oldest boy: Dick
Oldest girl: Jane
Little girl: Sally
Dog: Spot
Cat: Puff
Teddy Bear: Tim
Plus Father and Mother
Yup. Only 8 colors in your box at school.
Diaper pins.
Pin the cloth diapers on the baby.
You stored them this way to keep them together.
Roller skates at the rink
Drive In Movie.
You pulled your car up next to a speaker,
and attached it to your car.
Snack bar was a little building.
The AF Drive-In was where
"Gene Harvey Chevrolet" stands.
"Gene Harvey Chevrolet" stands.
Went a few times. We were in our pajamas!
Pinball machine
Making a place for your fish to live
Old gas pump.
We had one at the shop, where we got our own gas.