Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Being organized is one of my greatest skills!
I've had soooo many parents and students who
have been grateful that I taught these skills,
and taught them well!
I now hear it all the time from the leaders
in the stake for keeping everyone organized.

Yup.  I'm top notched at it...when I do it!
I have been pretty unorganized since moving
to the condo...8 1/2 years ago.
There was soooooo much school work!
More than ever before!
Planning, prepping, teaching, checking, recording, testing, and repeat.

The summer after retirement, I finally got the
"decoration room" organized, with the help of 
Ashley, Kim, and Courtney.
(Need to reorganize again...but, it's not as hard, now.)

Well, Ashley's kids helped me organize the three
big drawers at kitchenette, under sinks, and 3 bathroom drawers.
I did the rest of the bathroom drawers, and the nightstand.
The nightstand had all of the jewelry.
Pairing up the earrings.

I took pictures to show Ashley and mom.
(the folders were done my first summer of retirement)

May I present to you . . . 

Family Room...long drawer

Family Room...drawer #1

Family Room...drawer #2
Decorations for "tree"
Need to get them ALL in gallon bags.
This drawer was always organized, but I brought the 
ones I had at school home.

Family Room...drawer #3

 Bathroom...drawer #1, left
Look at all of the chapstick, lip gloss, lipstick!
Enough for the remainder of my life and eternity!!!
I also have sunblock.
( I need chapstick and sunblock for where
I end up for eternity???)

Bathroom...drawer #2, left
This drawer has a gazillion samples!
All picked up at the hotels from my trips.
Ready for another trip!

Bathroom...drawer #3 is pretty much the same.
Blow dryer, curling irons, and their accessories.

Bathroom...draw #1, right
Q-Tips, giant mirror, razors, extra eyeglasses

Bathroom...Drawer #2, right
Vaseline, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bandaids
(Happy to have thrown out 2 boxes of tampons from this drawer...done nearly 4 years!)

Bathroom...drawer #3, right
Hair care products

Nightstand #1
Earrings organized
Cute wooden necklaces

Nightstand...drawer #2
Outfits and ribbons for "Annie"...(Build.A.Bear)

Nightstand...drawer #3
Blue tub, long necklaces
Front container, necklaces (square) and chains
Yellow, rings and short necklaces
Right container, bracelets

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