Thursday, April 30, 2020


My best art projects, I learned from my mom,
who taught 1st grade.
Valentine Folder

The poinsettias were a blast!
Over the years, I learned a lot.
Especially, about the mess!

I started doing my poinsettias the
Monday before Thanksgiving.
Here are the reasons:
1.  Several kids missed the Monday and Tuesday
before Thanksgiving.
(Wednesday was the day off for doing SEP's),
so many families took the entire week off.
2.  Girls are great at the project. 
Boys are not.
3.  Because boys put so much glue and glitter on,
they needed the 5 day break for them to dry.
Otherwise, when hung up, the glue would run.
Each kid made two.
4.  The kids on vacation wanted to do it when
they came back.  I told them because it took
5 days to dry, they were just marked absent
from the project.
6.  One time it was sooo warm, we took the table
outside.  The glitter stayed on the patio,
but not my carpet.  WIN.

We used the poinsettias to make
two ginormous wreaths!
That, along with our Christmas Village,
the lights, stockings, tinsel hung from the ceiling 
(Thanks, Conrad, for buying it the first time, and teaching me how to do it),
 made the 3 weeks before Christmas in Room 15 a magical place to be.

I was harassed a lot about these.
Custodians (they were nice about it . . . 3 of them were
Calvan's grandsons)
One principal . . . who brought up art projects, saying,
"We have an art teacher."
(She did this with turkeys (math, patterning), pillows (Colonial America)
poinsettias (following directions)
Valentine folder (following directions . . . parents always
appreciated this, as they didn't have to make it at home.
And, no, it was not a competition where the best box
made at home won the prize)
The next year, I was retired, and she didn't
have to worry!

I'm pretty sure not one student remembers the
art by the art teacher that year.  
But, every time I post a photo on social media
of a class with pillows, I get over 100 "likes",
with many comments from former students that said 
they still had theirs, or how fun it was, and parents
loving it, too!

I was tagged with this by Condita,

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