I made a post last month called,
"Cheers to My First Decade of Teaching!"
It was all about the 80s, and brought back soooo many memories!
So here's the second installment from the 1990s.
1. The LIE that was “anti-skip” technology:
2. Your personal bank account:
3. The world’s most helpful road map:
4. Losing flavor in about 7 seconds:
5. The tools to become a master painter:
7. The maddest minute there ever was:
8. Seeing this right before the show starts:
10. Rolling around town on these stylin’ skates:
11. Getting addicted to sniffing these:
12. Staying home sick with Bob:
13. Brownies from another universe:
The tv strapped to the cart...so true!
16. Choking yourself via necklace:
17. The advice of the wisest man who ever lived:
20. Sliding down this at Discovery Zone:
21. Terrifying Gusher commercials:
22. The best mouse-riding-a-motorcycle-themed book ever:
23. Playing with the lil’ ball:
24. Popping one of these orange bad boys in the VCR:
25. See-through everything for absolutely no reason:
26. Stepping on one of these:
27. A day more special than your birthday:
28. “Water go down the hole.”
29. The program that turned you into a master painter:
31. Knowing **** was about to go down on Disney Channel after this:
32. The tallest cheese structure ever built, the Leaning Tower of Cheeza:
34. These tongue destroyers:
35. The saddest scene in any movie:
36. Book fair day, the best day at school:
37. This game in dentist offices:
38. The ONLY way to eat cereal that matters:
39. Your own personal bat-symbol:
40. The only books anyone needs in their collection:
43. These plates that made everything taste just a litttttttle better:
44. The only way to carry your Halloween candy in style:
47. Chowin’ down on some sharks:
48. The only toy that mattered:
50. And being pretty sure that this was how your life was going to play out:
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