Saturday, July 4, 2015


My nieces and nephews have 20 cousins.
Their kids have between 10-13 cousins (plus one on way) on the
Mitchell side.  They all live less than an hour away!
They also have a few cousins on the other side of their family.
Most all cousins live close.
There's several cousins close in age to each other.

I have 9 first cousins . . . 9!

Howard Side:
George:  George Maurice, Paul, Kim
Grew up in Kaysville
Bruce:  Kellie, Kristina, Jason
Grew up in Galvaston, Texas, Racine, Wisconsin and Ocala, Florida

Their children are my 1st cousins, once removed:

George Maurice:  Nere, Marc
Paul: Jessica, I think 3 boys, that names begin with "J"
(I do know that one boy was born on Leap Year day)
Don't know where he is
Kim:  Single
Kaysville, Layton

Kellie:  Single
Jacksonville, Florida
Kristina:  Logan, Riley
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Jason:  Owen, Avery
Durham, North Carolina

Mitchell Side:
Virginia:  Gary Pascoe
Grew up in Salt Lake
Shirl:  Alan, Juli (deceased, 2015)
Grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and Santaquin

Gary:  Heath, Whitney
St. George

Alan:  6 kids...don't know names
Juli:  Ashley

Pat married Darwin in 1988, after my 8th year of teaching.
So I added step cousins:  Jim, Barbie, Curtis (killed in motorcycle accident, 2009),
Susie, Steve
Jim, 8 or 9 kids:  Jay, Michael, Crystal, and don't know any more names
Don't know where they live
Barbie:  Kylie, Tanner
Davis County???
Curtis:  Jessica, Kameron, Leah
Yuma, Arizona
Susie:  Chelsie, Tony, Kennedy
Davis County???
Steve:  Zac, Caden, Lexie

Gary was the cousin I saw the most.
He lived in Salt Lake, and he and Aunt Virginia came
down most every Sunday for Sunday dinner when Gary
was in high dad could help him with his math.
He moved to St. George my second year at Dixie.
But, he was 8 years older.

I saw George's kids maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

Bruce's kids, maybe every other year or so when they were young.
I spent a month with them in Wisconsin when Kellie was 4,
Kristina was 2, and Jason was 6 months.
Kelli came out a few times, and went to the 
BYU vs Florida State game with me.
Kristina's family took me to dinner my first time to Williamsburg.

I spent a day when I was a senior in high school
in Phoenix (Fiesta Bowl band trip) with Shirl's family.
They came up "once in a blue moon."

My Age Difference to Cousins:
Gary: 8 years younger
Alan:  13 years older
Juli:  15 years older

George Maurice:  3 1/2 years older
Paul:  7 years older
Kim:  15 years older

Kellie:  8 years older
Kristina:  10 years older
Jason:  12 years older

So . . . not only did I hardly see my cousins,
the age difference was HUGE!!!  (except George Maurice)

(I know...long post, but, my history)

On June 24, Kellie and her nieces, Logan and Riley,
flew from their cities to Salt Lake City.

They spent one day in Logan.
Logan was named after the city of Logan.
She showed me pics on her phone of her in front of
anything with the word, "Logan."
(City sign, Logan Temple, etc.)

Here are a few pics from their trip:

Eating "Everything But the Kitchen Sink"
in Logan

Hiking to Timp Cave

We had dinner with them on Saturday, June 27
at Los Hermanos

Kellie and me

Logan (going to be a junior), me, and Riley (going into 8th grade)

Riley, Logan, Kellie, me, Aunt Dixie

Eight years ago, I went on a cruise to Alaska.
At the same time, Bruce's entire family came out.
They stayed at the condo while I was gone.
Pat and Darwin were here, also.

The girls wanted to recreate some pictures that
they took on our deck.
They took some pics, and sent to Jason.
He sent back the original pictures!

Riley is trying to recreate the face she made 8 years ago.

Riley, Kellie, Logan

Original pictures:
All of Uncle Bruce's grandchildren
Owen, Logan, Avery, Riley (and her cute face)

Logan, Owen, Riley

Kellie & Aunt Dixie

 Kellie with cousin, Lori Pathakis, and their matching sweaters.
My mom taught some of her kids.

This is what Riley was most excited to do!
Recreating the iconic scene from
"High School Musical,"
filmed at East High School.
She was excited it looks exactly like the movie!!!

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