Saturday, May 23, 2009


As part of our study of the Civil War, and the 6th grade's study of World War II, we are having "Penny Wars." For the 5 minutes between the first 2 bells, it is a mad dash in the 5th and 6th grade halls. Each classroom has a jug to drop coins in. You want to have as many pennies as possible in your own jug. You want to use silver coins to "bomb" to other 5th and 6th grade classes. Whatever silver coin is put in, you have to remove that many pennies. For example, if you get "bombed" by a dime, you must remove 5 pennies. All of the proceeds will go to the Utah Food Bank. Thanks to Mrs. Weakley and Mrs. Call for the fun activity!

1 comment:

xantogal said...

Remove 5 pennies for a dime? What a fun 'game' to play!!