Friday, December 25, 2015


We have been the best teacher friends for
25 years!
Some of us longer!!!
John was there at day 1 of my teaching career.
Jane came next, followed by Carolyn, Cheryl, and Cathy.
All of us went together on a trip to the 
Shakespeare Festival, Zion's, and Tuachan.
Me, Jane, Carolyn, and Cathy have been on
a Caribbean Cruise, Alaskan Cruise (minus Jane),
and New York City.
All of the women came to my Endowment Session
20 years ago.
We've held this Christmas Party for 25 years!
My mom has come most years.
Don and Marlene would come when Marlene felt well.
Austin Cowley came when he was single, and
also came with wife, Marianne.
I always taught 5th grade.
John always taught 6th grade at Alpine.
Jane taught 2nd, 4th, and 6th.
She was also one of my escorts at the temple.
Carolyn taught 1st, 2nd, and 4th.
Cheryl taught 4th, 5th, and 6th.
Cathy taught 1st and 6th.
Don taught 4th, 5th, and 6th.
Austin taught 6th.
Jane, Don, and Carolyn retired from Alpine.
(Carolyn did a few years at Legacy)
All of the rest went to other places to finish their careers.
But no matter what, we always had our Christmas and
New Year's Eve Parties.

This is how we feel.

Cathy's grandson, Sae Tautu, plays on the BYU football team.
Here's Cathy's BYU tree.

We each told a favorite memory about growing up.

I love Cathy & Brad's fireplace!
It was built by Vicky Haw's son, Jeremy.

Carolyn is great at selfies!
Here are the 6 teachers!
(Cheryl's husband, Rudy, was a teacher, too!)

And as usual . . . something struck me as REALLY funny!!!

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