Monday, May 22, 2017


Oh, boy!  This sure nails it!!!
Since the inception of Skyward,
all grades had to be in  7-10 days
before the last day of school!
And 5th graders know it!!!

Before that, I had 2 units due the last week.
My kids kept working!
I could add scores in the computer until
the day before!
Of course, before computers, I
added all scores with a calculator,
and wrote the grades in on the
district report card!
For about my first 5 years, I had
made my own report card!
I'll take the computer doing all the work
(except entering scores)
thank you very much!

Last week equals:
Field Day (the Friday before)
Stacking Desks
Turning Books In
Market Day
Metric Olympics
Preparing all ribbons for said Metric Olympics
Water Day (featuring Pearl Diving)
Awards Assembly
Class Awards
Ice Cream Social
Fill out Promotion Slips
Report Cards

For about 7 years near the beginning
of my teaching career, we had a class party
the night before school got out.
We had it at a student's house.
About 10 parents would help and chaperone.
We would barbecue, play games, swim,
give out awards, etc.
And then...Cindy Gee happened.
No more parties outside of school.
(Long story short, she was showing
porn to her students at sleepovers at her house.
I told the principal in October she was
having sleepovers, and this came out in May.
Always listen to me!!!)

For about my first 5 years of teaching,
I actually cried on the last day of school!
I was going to miss my kiddos!
I even wrote letters during the summer, 
and they wrote back!

But, the more work we had at the end
of the year, and activities (Hope of America,
Dance Festival) and ALL THAT TESTING,
I was just relieved to be finished.
I knew I would see the kids the next
year as 6th graders.

I didn't even cry on my last last day
of teaching . . . ever!
May 30, 2013.
The kids didn't know that was it!
But, once again, I was flooded with relief!
Even though my class was wonderful...
dealing with my charcot foot, being in
a wheelchair, and trying to get everything
either thrown out, given away, or packed up,
it was overwhelming!!!

And today, in this age of social media,
I am able to keep up with hundreds of former students!
It's actually more fun to see what's been
going on with their lives, than just the lives
of my students the summer after 5th grade!

The teachers this year have the entire week.
Looooong on entertainment!

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