Tuesday, August 20, 2019


The Women of Alpine Elementary

On Tuesday, August 20, we celebrated the start
of our 7th year of monthly retired lunches!
We always go the first day (even if it's not a Monday)
and we always go to the Blue Lemon in Highland.

Row 1:  Karen Peterson (1st & 2nd), Linda Dibb (1st, 2nd, & 5th),
Ruth Anderson (Kindergarten), Bonna Hanson (Media), Diane Durrant
Row 2:  Cathy Tibbitts (1st, 6th, BYU Cohorts), Carolyn Hutchings
(1st, 2nd, & 4th), Cheryl Dominguez (4th, 5th, & 6th), Adonna Iverson (1st)
Diane Walter (Resource & 2nd), Mary Sampson (2nd, 4th, 5th, & Reading Recovery), 
Joy Alldredge (Kindergarten), Ann Mitchell (5th)

Some teachers transferred to other school, and had different
assignments.  These are their assignments while at
Alpine Elementary.

RIP:  Wayne McDaniel, Calvan Vance, Paul Thompson, Jane Boulter

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