Friday, December 22, 2017


My life has been hell since the beginning of summer!
I've had to have four injections in my knee.
Then, a trip to the ER and stitches in my thumb.

This has been my life since the middle of August!
I am being treated for an ulcer on the side of my right foot.
I went to the foot dr 2 days a week to be treated.
It was all cleared up, and I had a 3 week break in November.
During that time, I had something else to deal with,
that I won't go into.

Then, the ulcer came back!
I think my brace was rubbing on my foot!
Back to visiting the foot dr twice a week!
(I can't believe I wasn't invited to their 
office Christmas party!  I'm there almost as much
as they are!!!)

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