Tuesday, October 30, 2018


When I left our September lunch early to take mom to the
foot doctor, I said 2 things to those picking the October date:
If you want to go to Gardner Village for lunch
(and the "Witches") don't go on . . . 
1. October 15, Professional Development Day
2.  October 29, 2 days before Halloween
Of course, they didn't listen to me!
October 29 was the day!  
Don & Paige called me and said it was a 
90 minute wait!!!
I never got out of the car, because of how
crowded it was.  On a school day.
I think it was full of homeschoolers.

We decided to go to the
Midvale Mining Café.
I've been there once with Renae.  
It's her favorite!

Those attending were:
Cathy Tibbitts, Vicky Haws, Analee & Lane Brown,
Don & Paige Beckstrand, Diane Walter, and me.

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