Sunday, May 3, 2020


Saturday, September 14, 2019
Game #2


This season is my 27th season as a BYU season ticket holder.
I started going to the games in 1993.
For many, many years . . . I parked in the Marriott Center parking lot.
When I started having problems with my feet, I parked in the
handicap parking.  It is just across the street from my ramp!
I have to be there about 3 1/2 hours to get a handicap stall!!!
(And, to watch people hop out of cars with the handicap card,
with no visible handicap at all!)

This year, instead of the fun of watching the buses from the
opposing team unload the players, and then try to do a U-turn,
we get to see the band, team, etc.

This is my favorite part about BYU football

When it is daytime
The sky is blue
The mountains are gorgeous
And it's warm
(This day was a little too warm . . . more on that later)

This card stunt said:
150 Years of College Football

My great niece, Jaycie, started going to 
BYU football games with me when she was 4.
Now, she's 14, and in 9th grade.

BYU led at the end of Quarter 1.  10-7
Halftime:  Tie.  17-17
No score in the 3rd quarter.
End of regulation:  27-27
BYU kicked a field goal in overtime.
Final:  30-27

Everyone ran onto the field . . . cuz it's USC.
Many Heisman Trophy winners . . . including O.J. Simpson.

Then as the photo below shows, everyone had to hurry back for
a review, and not get a penalty.

Here's cutie Jaycie, during the review.

And here they come again,
after it was made official.

Next game is Washington . . . CJ's alma mater

The weather at the game was
We're talking about 104 degrees!!!

The ladies that sit in front of me
are really obnoxious!!!
Below  are photos from the U of U game two years ago, and 
my view from my old seats.

They had the sign, referring to Utah . . . and we all know they
didn't meant "poop".

I found these 2 photos from the U of U game when
I sat across the aisle. 

This year, a Utah fan (parent of students I taught)
came down and said the sign offended her.
They asked me if it was offensive.  I said, "Yaa, it kinda is."
Then, I asked how they got the sign in, since it says in the
season ticket booklet that signs were one of the things you
couldn't bring into the stadium.
Apparently, they did it before. 
This year, the usher (who looks and sounds like he's 12)
took it away.

The 2 ladies were gone during most of the USC game.
I imagine they were finding shade.
(They also had their families at the games)
When they left, Jaycie and I put our feet on their bench.
Each time, they would come back, it was like 30 minutes
after leaving.
When they came back, we would put our feet down.

In the middle of the 2nd quarter, the usher (remember, he looks 12),
came to us and said (in his best 12 year old voice),
"The ladies who sit in front of you told me to tell you to
not put your feet on their bench."
I told him they weren't there.
Then he said, "The ladies who sit in front of you told me
to tell you to not put your feet on their bench!"
I told him that there were no attached chairs, blankets,
or cushions.
After that he said again,
"The ladies that sit in front of you told me to tell
you not to put your feet on their bench!!!'
Then he added . . . "Do I need to get security???


Soooo, I put my feet under their bench.
They came back for a couple of minutes later,
(they must have been waiting for the usher to talk
to us)
 and, they left . . . again.
And didn't come back.
I'm sure they were upset because their poster was taken
at the Utah game.

My feet stayed under the bench.
When the game went into overtime, they finally returned!
(And put their feet on the bench in front of them)

With the combination of my feet under the
aluminum bench, the temperature over 100 degrees, and them not being 
there with their legs hanging down to block the sun,
my feet (in Dr Sholl shoes) were baking like 
they were in a reflector oven!!!
When Jaycie and I went down the ramp after the game, I had to keep
stopping.  I told her my feet really hurt.
I can't feel my feet because of my neuropathy,
but I could feel my feet hurting!


(I am documenting my injuries)

I've left some space, so that if you do not want to see
the graphic photos . . . now's your time to quit.

Sunday morning, I took my socks off.
When I saw my feet, I took pictures and sent
them to Jaycie's mother . . . my niece, Ashley.
I told her this is probably why my feet hurt.
She said she was in AF, and was on her way.

I sent the pictures to my foot dr, and he ordered
a prescription.
Ashley picked up the prescription, and
wrapped my feet.

This left big toe blew up later with fluid!
Picture coming.

Remember earlier when I said my left big toe blew up?


The new home health care nurse I had one day, told me he had
only worked less than a week.

 Two photos side by side, the right one is the same location,
one week later.  Showing progress.

All these vials of blood were taken from me to make
skin grafts from my own blood.
This happened on Halloween!
Did Dracula do this???

Putting on the skin grafts.

After my skin graft, I had 2 more skin grafts.
These grafts were made of the baby boys' . . . you know.
What they take off after they are circumcised.

I had this done also in 2012.
After my Rose Parade trip.
My toes were blistered down to the tissues from
my 2 days at Disneyland.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
That process took 4 months.

And . . . half way through all of this, the beloved insurance decided
that they wouldn't cover my 7 day a week home health care nurse!
Excxuuuse me???

They said I wasn't homebound.
I had to drive my mom to all of her appointments.
She can't drive.
And, I had to drive myself to my foot dr appointments,
because, who would do it???
And, how in the heck can I see to bandage the
bottom of my feet???
I swear, insurance companies are practicing here on
earth so they can later be in charge of Hell!!!

So . . . I asked (with a Jazz game for her and her husband) my
niece (who is my mom's home health care nurse, but couldn't
do me cuz her company is not on my insurance) to be my nurse.

Her and her husband had their Christmas game.
Then, along comes Covid-19, and her Aunt Ann Nurse game is postponed
until next season, if they have it.
(Jazz have been taking $546 a month from my checking account since the 
end of February . . . so we'll see)

6 months later

First time back in the fashionable Dr. Sholl shoes.
April 28, 2020 . . . 7 1/2 months after the incident/accident.
When I took the shoes off after wearing them, my left big toe,
and 2 small toes were red.
Back to surgical shoes.
Still a long process.

I missed 3 football games . . . that's half a season!
My niece Ashley, who helped me, went to a game with Addie.
Kilee Iverson went, and took her niece.
And, I sent Hilda Price and son to the final game.
(I taught her daughter, Sofy)
It was their very first BYU game . . .Dream Come True.

I went to one game before my skin graft.
I took my 15 year old nephew, Cole, because I knew he
would be a big help to me!

I have now paid over $500 for Year #28
of BYU football.
I hope they have a season.
College football is talking about just playing
within their own conference.
Who's not in a conference???
And . . . to top it off, I have BYU stickers
that I've put in my date book with the schedule,
because as you all know . . . it's all about the stickers!
(The BYU stickers on a game day means a home game 
at LaVell Edwards Stadium.  Just like a basketball sticker
on Jazz games means a home gaome.)

Currently, I have to pretty much always use my 
"quad cane" to walk.
I have to scope out places ahead of time, to see if
I can go.  This is mainly for outdoor wedding receptions.
I have to have a handrail.
No handrail . . . no go.
I cannot balance well.
This Jazz season, my mom and I had wheelchair helpers.
My seats are on the second to top row of the lower bowl.
No steps to climb . . . and, we're next to the Ladies' Room!
(For years, we were by a concession stand, which
later became Cup Bop, and now a Craft Beer, 
across from Red Mango yogurt, also across from
an inexpensive Mexican food place, Cafe Olé
The concession stand and Cafe Olé gave 10% off because
of being a season ticket member!)

But . . . I have my feet!!!  They were not amputated!!!
I can deal with it!!!

I can't wait for the temples to open back up!
The last time that I went was in July, at the St. George Temple.

I couldn't go while I was injured, because
my feet sometimes bled through the bandages.
I just didn't want my feet to bleed through the bandages
 on the white carpets that most temples have.

And . . . here's my fabulous foot team!
Jill Roylance, Nurse 
 Nancy Juggert, Insurance
These 2 ladies are sisters.  Their brother was my first
foot doctor.  He did my foot surgery, and diagnosed my
Charcot Foot.  
He's the one that told my that I needed quit working at the temple
(on feet all night) and if I could afford it, to retire.
YES!  Retired at 54!!!
His sisters stayed on when he sold his practice to retire.

Becky Harris, Insurance
(Nancy's niece)
Dr. Daniel Patty

. . . and taking the photo

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