Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Jonny Esplin and Kenzie Ames were married on 
Saturday, March 8.
Jonny is Karen and Dale's 5th child.

I took a TON of pictures...but they weren't too good.
At the luncheon, the sun was coming through the 
windows behind them.
So, I've got a few of the professional pictures.

There were soooo many people at the temple!
But, that darn professional photographer and videographer
were always in my way!!!
You'd think they were getting paid!!!
The picture of the kids and grandkids...some were covered up
because of my angle.
I'm sure the photographers got great pictures!

The wedding was a "white wedding"...which means you have
to get dressed in your white temple clothes to witness the sealing.
I think this only happens in St. George, Manti, and Salt Lake.
You do this because you have to go through the Celestial Room
to get to the sealing room.
This room was special, as Christ had appeared in it!
I also saw Jared and Whitni, and Tara and Wayne get married there.

Before I was endowed, you used to could request a "White Wedding."
This was so you had more of a "celestial" feeling in the sealing room.
Now, you wear your street clothes, take your shoes off, 
and go stocking footed or wear temple slippers.
The hardest part was no pictures at the reception.
The sealing was at 4:00 p.m. at the 
St. George Temple.
(And of course, they started a little late)
The ceremony ended about 4:35.
At the St. George Temple, brides and grooms do their
"couple pictures" ahead of time.
(They can't do that up north, because there's soooo many weddings!)
Anyway, it was after 5:00 when they came out of the temple.
The reception was to start at 6:00, and it took about 20 minutes to
get there from the temple back to the country club.

After greeting friends and family who couldn't go into the temple,
it was really late!  They technically had about 25 minutes for
pictures before they needed to leave to arrive on time!
It didn't happen!

There were so many people to get on the steps for the traditional
group photo...that process took about 15 minutes.
Anyway, I knew with the ceremony at 4:00 and the reception at 6:00,
there was not a chance of being on time!

Usually, they take a lot of pictures before the reception begins.
But, people were already lined up, waiting.
You know...get there early so you could get out early.

"The Ledges" Country Club
This picture doesn't do the scenic beauty justice!

Fabulous doors!
J = Jonny
E = Esplin
M = McKenzie

Guests were to put their (green) thumbprint,
then sign their name over it.

 At "The Ledges" Country Club.

Loved the numbers!
when he stole her heart
& popped the question
& she stole his last name

Coming into the luncheon.

Table settings

These were pretzels that Karen dipped in white chocolate,
and a little blue and yellow sprinkles.
Sooooo yummy!

Father of the Groom
Dale's Words of Wisdom

It doesn't get any better than this!!!

At the St. George Temple, couples go a few days early to
take their "couple" temple pictures.  Saves time on the wedding day.

Coming out of the temple and greeting 14 nieces and nephews.

Jonny and Kenzie watching the loading of the stairs. 

 Karen and Dale supervise the loading.

"Joy in Your Posterity"
All of Karen and Dale's children and grandchildren
except Kimmy, who is serving a mission
in California.
A couple of the kids are covered up because of the bad angle.

 Krystal, Heather, Dale, Kenzie, Jonny, Karen, Tara, Eric
Sister Kimmy was there in spirit

 Dale, Kenzie, Jonny, Karen

 Jonny and Karen
 Dale and Jonny

 Jonny and Eric

 Heather, Krystal, Jonny, Eric, Tara

 So sweet!

Mother - Son dance

 What kind of advice could I be giving?
Kenzie looks like she's listening intently.
Jonny looks a little pained.

Karen's grandsons

Karen's granddaughters
These colors couldn't have been more adorable!!!

 Cutting the cake

Leaving the reception.

I gave Jonny and Kenzie
a Jazz game of their choice 
for next season.
Also, $40 for dinner and parking.

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